Improve Your Mood Instantly, RN


Feeling frustrated with your boss/partner/friend? Annoyed at how that situation played out? Beating yourself up for those choices you made? Feeling down about how far you are from your goals?

No matter what’s got you feeling icky, this tip will help center you back in your power:

Drop the “should” story.

- You know, that thought about what that person *should* have said;
- The way you believe that situation *should* have gone;
- The choices you feel like you *should* have made;
- The place you feel like you *should* be be now.

Yeah. That.

All those opinions about how things aren’t how you think they should be?

That shit is bringing you down. Likely in waayyyyy more ways than you even realize.

These nonstop looping narratives about how you disagree with reality are making whatever feels tough WORSE (among other things).

Learning how to SPOT and subsequently DROP these stories can be one of the most profound practices to help you not only feel better + lighter in the moment, but pave the way to long term inner peace + acceptance.

That’s why it’s on my checklist for ways to help get yourself out of a funk, and I have a podcast all about it!

GO LISTEN for more tips + strategies on this! [ep 82]
