Your Body Doesn't Need to Impress You


You know what I think is really cool?

Being super strong and fit AF.

This photo is from a few years ago, when that’s exactly what I was.

I loved the SHIT out of feeling capable as hell: doing things like muscle ups and hitting bigger sets of pull ups and push ups than the boys and being fast and having endurance and being able to pick up heavy ass shit and put it down again over and over and having the muscles to show for it all.

That shit was FUN.

But you know what ELSE is pretty fuckin cool?

To be able to enjoy the shit out of my body NO MATTER what it is or is not currently capable of.

Of being so damn invested in my own path and What Is Here Right Now that “how I compare” isn’t even a thought that floats through my mind.

To be bigger and scale everything and move slow and breathe hard and feel just as powerful and grateful for what I GET TO DO now, as I did a year ago.

THIS IS WHAT I’M SAYIN HERE - It’s cool as fuck to be impressed by all your body can do, and it’s ALSO cool as fuck to not need your body to impress you at all.

I hope you’re celebrating your moments of growth, even if (especially when!) they are completely invisible and wildly unimpressive to everyone else.

Every ounce of work you put into feeling at PEACE with where you are NOW is what’s REALLY fuckin cool.

It will make being the slowest kid in class be JUST AS FUN as being the fastest.

I hope you let yourself feel it.

Cuz I think you’ll really fuckin love it.
