Give What You Wish to Receive

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Give what you wish to receive.

This beautiful little trick is something I first learned from the great photographer Sue Bryce, and here’s why it’s so powerful:

  • When you feel as if you are in LACK, you will automatically make decisions in a way that feels protective— but is really just fearful, negative and self-limiting.

  • When you’re desperate for something and focusing on how much of it you DON’T have (money, attention, love, support, clients, *anything*), you are living from a place of SCARCITY.

  • The idea that there’s not enough to go around, you don’t know when you’ll see it again so you gotta hold on tight, preserve, hoard, and definitely not give ANY away.

Everything gets colder, darker, and lonelier. Your world contracts.

So, when you instead, opt to GIVE that very thing that you don’t even feel like you have to give in the first place, you are pulling yourself into alignment with ABUNDANCE.

And that’s when the clouds part on your small, fearful mindset and everything begins to change.

By giving what you wish to receive, you are challenging the notion that giving away ANY resource puts you in a deficit. It doesn’t.

Because you will begin to GET BACK what you put out. That’s just how it works. It’s science.


You realize that actually, this thing has been out there in gross excess and available to you this WHOLE TIME, your mindset just didn’t let you see that it was yours to get.

Suddenly, your world expands.

For more on this concept, GO LISTEN to Episode 42 of the podcast, SCARCITY VS ABUNDANCE MINDSET. Learn how to see it at play in your life right now, and why it’s so mind bendingly important to become aware of. STAT.

Question - What’s one thing you’re hoarding or holding onto and do not give freely, because you believe there’s not enough to go around? What are you desperately wishing to receive or want more of right now?

Find a way to GIVE that very thing away today.

Search She Thrives Radio on iTunes, Spotify + Google Play, or listen straight from the blog.
