Why You're Not Hitting Your Goals

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Wondering why you keep working your butt off but never seem to achieve your goals?

I recently heard that something like 90% of Americans do not know what they want to accomplish in the next 3-6 months.

While I can’t vouch for the accuracy of that stat, I want to ask: is that true for YOU?

Now, listen. I feel really strongly that it is not necessary to have a huge list of goals that we’re working towards EVERY waking minute.

There is absolutely value in the slow seasons, in the moments of drifting, wandering, reflecting and staying open. This is important.

But also:

Do you know what you want for yourself?

And not in some distant, nebulous, sure-that’d-be-nice way. Do you know specifically what you want in your relationships, your health, your business, your personal growth, your adventure and fun, your future?

It’s one thing to have some far off idea of something you’d kinda like one day, which I think most of us have.

It’s QUITE another thing to have detailed and thoughtful short term goals written out that you are actively working towards with intention more often than not. Which clearly, most of us DON’T have.

How are you ever going to get what you want for yourself if you don’t even have a clear idea of what it looks like? How can you even begin to take the tiniest of steps in the right direction if you haven't explicitly defined what that direction is?

And here’s the kicker: getting specific about your goals doesn’t necessarily mean that you will accomplish or create EXACTLY what you planned. I think we all know that life doesn’t work like that.

But what you WILL gain is the ability to HAVE A SAY in your future. To be able to move with intention and forethought into a life you actually want.

Otherwise, what are we doing? Just going through the motions, hoping one day it’ll all fall into your lap? Or worse, spending your life staying so busy working hard shoveling coal into the engine, while no one is upstairs actually steering the GD ship?

Not being specific about what you want is just one of the THREE BIG REASONS YOU’RE NOT HITTING YOUR GOALS.

For more on this and the other two (major) factors, go listen to episode #44 of the podcast: The Three Main Reasons You're Not Hitting Your Goals.
