Fuck Your "Skinny Jeans”

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Do you have a closet full of shit that you’ve been holding onto since you were 18, or from when you were at your leanest, or from before kids, or from some other bygone era?

Have you ever noticed how it makes you feel to stare into an entire room of clothes that don’t fit your current frame, or that you’re uncomfortable in?

Do you resist going shopping when the scale has gone up? Feel like you don’t deserve it? Feel like it’s just temporary and you’ll be back in your old stuff soon? Feel like a closet of too-small clothes is a good “motivator”?


One of the most underrated and empowering acts of self care you can do:


Here are some ways to get this done:

1. Do a closet clean out. If you haven’t worn it in the last year, if it doesn’t fit, if you feel uncomfortable in it for any reason: donate it. If you don’t have the time for the full closet, start with one drawer or section.

(Yes it’s ok to hold on to timeless pieces, or things with very significant sentimental value, but I want you to be ruthless. DETOX that shit).

2. Treat yoself to some fresh threads that *fit*! This doesn’t (have to) mean dropping beaucoup bucks, but I urge you to get at least *one* staple piece that you’ll wear frequently and feel like a Queen in.

If you’re on a budget, consider selling your old clothes to help fund some new ones.

And please remember:

You NEVER have to “earn” the right to own clothes you feel good in. Treating yourself to a new outfit or hot jeans is not reserved for weight loss.

You DID NOT FAIL if you need to go up a size (or several), like I did today. Bodies change, love. That’s what they do. Nothing about the size of your fucking pants alters the fire in your soul or the light in your laughter or your worthiness on this earth.

I’d rather you only have 2 shirts and one pair of pants that you feel good in than a whole room of shit that’s subtly shaming you.

Take your power back + find a way to honor your body as it is right NOW.

Interested in mastering your mindset? Learn how your an work directly with Taylor in She Thrives Academy.
